Galileo 4 Mobility holds last Advisory Group meeting

//Galileo 4 Mobility holds last Advisory Group meeting

Galileo 4 Mobility holds last Advisory Group meeting

On 30 October, Galileo 4 Mobility held its third and last Advisory Group meeting in Thessaloniki. Hosted by partner CERTH, the day provided the opportunity for the G4M consortium to gather valuable feedback from AG members on key issues related to the project, discuss the latest developments of the pilot sites, and participate in a dedicated workshop on Mobility as a Service (MaaS). The second part of the day saw a technical visit to the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH). And of course, the AG members and the Consortium got to try the taxi-sharing service by partners CERTH and Taxiway, which is currently being piloted in the city of Thessaloniki.

The day opened with an introduction into the project’s Small Scale Pilots by Coordinator Marti Jofre. After, partners gave a short update on the pilots, some of which have already been completed or are currently underway. We heard from RACC about their MaaS aggregator pilot, which has been completed in July and has already gathered some interesting preliminary results. Also currently running is the vehicle sharing pilot in Paris, which is led by Clem’. Within the pilot, the car-sharing service has already kicked off, and soon we can expect the launch of the bike-sharing service, so stay tuned!

After, our host CERTH provided the consortium and AG members with a full update on their taxi-sharing pilot in Thessaloniki, which has started in July and is still running. CERTH spoke about how they selected participants for the pilot, how gathered data is being handled, and showed the dashboard of the Galileo 4 Mobility app used for the demo.

Next was a presentation from AG member Daniel Serra from EIT Urban Mobility on the progress that has been made during the 10 months since EIT’s creation – they’re already 85 partners in the consortium. Also taking the stage was Josep Laborda from Factual, who spoke about the new H2020-funded project ARIADNA. This project aims to raise awareness and build capacity to increase the adoption of EGNSS in urban mobility applications and services. The project will launch in January, so stay tuned!

Before the workshop on MaaS kicked off, Georgios M. Spanos, Transportation Engineer at the Urban Public Transport Organisation of Thessaloniki, presented their services, which is composed of several bus lines driving around Thessaloniki and towards the outskirts.

The meeting ended with a workshop on MaaS. Starting the workshop off was Gabriele Grea from Bocconi University, who talked about MaaS Business models and markets. With so many different stakeholders – both private and public – in the room, the workshop saw interesting discussions on various topics related to Mobility as a Service, such as sharing of income, public/private partnerships, and data-sharing.

After lunch, the consortium and AG members used the taxi-sharing service to arrive at CERTH, where they were given a very interesting tour through the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT). During the tour, the institute’s facilities were shown as well as the experiments that are carried out in the research institute, such as driving simulators to recreate various special conditions and analyse the user’s behaviour.

Galileo 4 Mobility would like to thank all AG members for their participation and valuable input!

The agenda, plus all presentations, can be found below:
