Papers 2020-07-09T14:34:11+00:00


06/01/2019,  Jofre M., Salanova J.M., Martin E., Using European Satellite Navigation System GALILEO for geolocation in the framework of Mobility as a Service: the GALILEO 4 Mobility project. 13th ITS European Congress, Brainport, the Netherlands, 3-6 June 2019

10/01/2019, Aifandopoulou G., Konstantinidou M., Boufidis, Josep Maria Salanova Grau, Georgios Tsaples and Panagiotis Tzenos, Estimation of value-of-time and willingness to pay for ride-sharing transport services in Thessaloniki. 9th International Congress on Transportation Research “Transport 4.0: The smart evolution

18/06/2020, Aifandopoulou G., Konstantinidou M., Boufidis N. and Salanova J.M. Evaluation of a ride-sharing service in Thessaloniki: The perspective of both the service provider and the users5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility

20-23/09/2020, Aifandopoulou G., Konstantinidou M., Boufidis N. and Salanova J.M. Ex Post Estimation of Value-of-Time and Willingness to Pay for Shared Transport Services in Thessaloniki23rd International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems