Galileo 4 Mobility Advisory Group meeting & technical visit in Paris

//Galileo 4 Mobility Advisory Group meeting & technical visit in Paris

Galileo 4 Mobility Advisory Group meeting & technical visit in Paris

On 21 February, the second Galileo 4 Mobility Advisory Group (AG) meeting took place in Paris. Hosted by partner Clem’, the day provided the opportunity for the G4M consortium to gather valuable feedback from the AG members on key issues related to the project, and discuss the latest developments of the pilot sites. The second part of the day saw a demonstration of the electric car sharing pilot led by Clem’. The meeting was concluded with a roundtable discussion on shared electro-mobility in the Ile De France region and a networking dinner.

The AG meeting kicked off with the presentation of the European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency from the G4M Project Officer. After, the newest members of the AG, Technology Scotland, Carnet Barcelona, Upstream Mobility and AMTU, were given the stage. They presented their organisations and their activities related to MaaS and Galileo technology as well as their expectations from the involvement in the project.

After the introductions, room was given to PILDO and the pilot leaders to provide updates on the development of the G4M pilots. The matter of how geolocation data are currently used to enable a range of new or more user-friendly mobility services was discussed, based on the experience of the AG members. Their first-hand experience allowed discussing different approaches to safety, cyber-security, and data privacy, when speaking about geolocation and tracking of users.

After lunch, the day continued with a technical visit to the electric car sharing pilot led by Clem’. Clem’ has been working with authorities in the Paris Saclay region to develop a multi-service mobility platform offering electric car and e-bike sharing that uses Galileo technology. During the demonstration, the consortium and the AG visited an electric car charging station not far from the Clem’ premises. Clem’ clearly explained the logistics of the service and provided insights into how the hardware and software applications work.

The day ended with an insightful roundtable discussion with local stakeholders, focusing on shared electro-mobility in the Ile De France (IDF) region. The topics on the table were electro-mobility challenges in IDF, evolution of the mobility uses, and smart charging –OCPP & OCPI protocols.

Galileo 4 Mobility would like to thank all AG members for their participation and valuable input!

You can find the agenda and the presentations of the day below:



Introduction project & Pilot progress

Technology Scotland

Upstream Mobility

Carnet Barcelona

Presentations of the local stakeholders:

Clem’ general presentation

Clem’ VULe Partagés

DotVision Mobility

Solstyce: ‘Public authorities’ stategy on electric mobility in France’ 
