Sister project ARIADNA builds bridges with SIA project

//Sister project ARIADNA builds bridges with SIA project

Sister project ARIADNA builds bridges with SIA project

Great work often results from teamwork, something we also know in the ARIADNA project. Therefore, this week the ARIADNA consortium had a (virtual) meeting with the SIA project, to see how both can work together to promote GALILEO technology for the public transport sector.

The main objective of the SIA (System for vehicle infrastructure Interaction Assets health status monitoring) project is to develop four ready-to-use new services (iWheelMon, iRailMon, iPantMon and iCatMon) providing prognostic information on the health status of the railway’s most demanding assets in terms of maintenance costs (wheel, rail, pantograph and catenary).

ARIADNA and SIA are both funded by the GSA, and both projects focus on advancing the adoption of GALILEO technology in public transport services. Where ARIADNA focuses on the whole urban mobility chain, SIA’s focus lies on the railway sector.

Many opportunities for cooperation were discussed, starting with the GALILEO Mobility Forum. This ARIADNA initiative aims to gather stakeholders from all over the sector for capacity building in GALILEO and mobility. With the SIA consortium bringing together 9 expert partners, ARIADNA is happy to utilize SIA’s knowledge in this field, whereby both projects can also identity mutual stakeholders.

While ARIADNA seeks to raise awareness about GALILEO and facilitate EGNSS deployment, SIA will conduct actual demonstrations showcasing how EGNSS can contribute to better transport (specifically rail asset management). Looking at ARIADNA’s objectives, SIA’s demos can be of great value when demonstrating the benefits of EGNSS to the industry. At the same time, ARIADNA will help to find users for the applications that will be developed within SIA.

A final aspect of cooperation will focus on dissemination, whereby both projects have committed to enhance visibility of each other’s accomplishments and developments.

These projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and from the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency under grant agreement #776402 (SIA) and #870264 (ARIADNA)

For further information on SIA, please contact Mr. Unai Alvarado, Project Coordinator at CEIT.

For further information on ARIADNA, please contact Mr. Josep Laborda, Project Coordinator at Factual.
